
10 August 2015

The Power of Constructive Parenting, #ColgateMagicalStories!!!

Am blessed with a kid who is more interested in games than watching TV, and what better can a mom expect from her little one? Hubby and me always try to keep up her interest by playing with her, our Saturday mornings are mostly for playing Monopoly with the kiddo. 
Colgate has come up with packs with printed magical castle on the inside of the package. Three set of playset cutouts with a castle, royal family and dragon and tower. Check out the video to find how we had fun with our Colgate packs.
Do check out other videos, as kids get creative with each pack of Colgate.


  1. loved the videos :-)
    Cheers, Archana -

  2. बढ़िया वीडियो।
