
21 October 2014

My Journey as a (Travel)Blogger

It was 2 years back during my search for Navratri Bombe themes for celebration at home, did I come across Anuradha Shankar's blog. The blog inspired me, it inspired me to start a blog of my own, to showcase and share my thoughts. I got in touch with so many people from different walks of life, travelers, bloggers, activists, naturalists and on. Then were few from across the globe, who commented on my work and the treasure I shared, on my blog with them. The treasure of India, its heritage, culture, festivity. Their comments, changed my perception towards travel, exploring places and made me get close to my own culture and realize how stupid we are, when we run behind international trips, while we have lots and lots to explore in or own country. 

You need to remember that people travel halfway across the world to see parts of your country or State, and I guarantee there are exciting attractions and areas you are yet to discover. We’re so quick to jump on a longhaul flight to get to that exotic destination, but what about the National Park down the road from you? The pristine white beaches an hour away? Short escapes are often the best kind!” – Megan  (Courtesy

And then I came across those people, who had explored India much more than me, even not being an Indian. One such person was Sharell. An Australian by birth, Sharell first visited India in 2000, after her several visits, presently she is married to an Indian and settled in Mumbai. If not on any other blogs, you would definitely find a blogpost on every Indian festival on her blog. This is what she has to say,

"I've managed a guesthouse in the beach town of Varkala in Kerala, worked on the set of a Bollywood movie near Manali, driven an auto rickshaw from Chennai to Mumbai, ridden a yak in Spiti, and dined with the royal family of Udaipur at their palace. I've also survived getting bitten by a monkey in Rishikesh, a bout of malaria, and numerous encounters with the infamous Indian bureaucracy, with sanity kept (mostly!) intact. In addition, I fell so much in love with all things Indian that I even married an Indian guy"

Thats Sharell at City Palace, Udaypur

Don't these instances, make you sit and think for a while, should we run behind visiting busy metros or visit the treasures our own country has to offer.

This is part of More Indian Than you Think by Indiblogger and Lufthansa

PS: Thank you Sharell, for all your support, to make this post so wonderful.

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